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Rush - Caress of Steel - 1975

* "Bastille Day" (4:37)
* "I Think I'm Going Bald" (3:37)
* "Lakeside Park" (4:08)
* "The Necromancer" (12:30)

o I. Into Darkness (4:12)
o II. Under the Shadow (4:25)
o III. Return of the Prince (3:52)

* "The Fountain of Lamneth" (20:03)

o I. In the Valley (4:18)
o II. Didacts and Narpets (1:00)
o III. No One at the Bridge (4:19)
o IV. Panacea (3:14)
o V. Bacchus Plateau (3:16)
o VI. The Fountain (3:49)

2112 - 1976